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Imran Khan’s Economist Article, Self Written Or Ai Generated?

Imran Khan's Economist Article, Self Written Or Ai Generated?

In the contentious op-ed, Imran Khan criticized the upcoming elections, branding them a sham, and expressed concerns about his limited airtime on local media. Amid the ensuing controversy, the ousted prime minister asserted that The Economist’s article was crafted using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

During a press interaction at Adiala Jail, where he is undergoing a court trial, Khan clarified that he provided points to his team, and the article was subsequently generated using artificial intelligence technology. This revelation came in response to the uproar caused by the op-ed.

Read more : Imran Khans Economist Article: Record-Breaking Views Since 2007

The article prompted a reaction from the country’s interim information minister, Murtaza Solangi, who announced Islamabad’s intention to formally communicate with a British publication regarding the matter. While addressing online criticism, Solangi acknowledged that writing an article or a book from jail is not an issue. However, he contested the authorship of the article, emphasizing that it wasn’t written by Imran Khan. Describing it as a ghost article attributed to the former PTI chairman, Solangi expressed bewilderment and concern over a reputable media outlet publishing an article in the name of a convicted individual.

Imran Khan’s op-ed in the prominent newspaper gained significant traction, being reposted at least seven times from the publication’s official social media account and accumulating an impressive 25 million views. The controversy surrounding the article has added a layer of complexity to the already charged political atmosphere in Pakistan.
