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Imran Khan’s First Message from Adiala Jail

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan, currently in Adiala Jail due to the cipher case, has shared his first message with the people of Pakistan since his arrest on August 5, 2023.

Khan’s message was made public through his social media accounts, including Twitter. Here is the complete text of Khan’s message for the people of Pakistan:

“When I was put in Attock Jail without proper legal procedures, the initial days were very tough. I had to sleep on the floor, dealing with insects and mosquitoes because I wasn’t provided a bed. But over time, I have adjusted to the conditions in prison.

It’s important to note that there is a significant difference between the Imran Khan of today and the Imran Khan who was arrested on August 5. I am now stronger and healthier, both mentally and physically, than ever before.

During my time in prison, I’ve had the opportunity to study the Holy Quran thoroughly and other books, which have strengthened my faith. I’ve also reflected on the last few years of my political career.

No matter where they imprison me or what conditions they impose, I will not waver in my pursuit of genuine freedom, the rule of law, and the Constitution of Pakistan, which includes free and fair elections at its core. Those suggesting that I should leave the country should understand that I will live and die in Pakistan and won’t leave my homeland for any reason.

Regarding the cypher case, this baseless accusation is meant to protect former Army Chief General Bajwa and Donald Lu. As the elected Prime Minister of the country, I faced treason committed against me and my government by General Bajwa. Instead of investigating the foreign conspiracy behind the regime change, a case has been filed against me for revealing this to the people of Pakistan, who are the true protectors of this nation.

One thing that deeply troubles me is the suffering of my party workers who have been unlawfully detained, especially our female workers who have been in custody for months. They are victims of a few individuals who misuse their power to satisfy their egos. I appeal to the judiciary to deliver justice and order the immediate release of our workers.

In conclusion, do not lose hope. This period of trial will come to an end because, as Allah says, ‘with every difficulty, there is ease.’ Keep raising your voice against this unelected predatory group and their supporters at every platform and demand a fair and transparent election in the country.

I predict that on the day of the election, the people of Pakistan will turn out in large numbers to vote for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and defeat all other parties combined, no matter how much they deceive. Their ultimate fate is defeat.

Long live Pakistan!”
