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India and Pakistan are encouraged to restore HCs.

ISLAMABAD: On Wednesday, the National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs proposed that Pakistan and India reinstate their high commissioners in the capitals of the other country.

According to an official handout issued by the NA Secretariat said Chaired by Mohsin Dawar, the committee was briefed on the foreign minister’s recent visit to India and it was underscored that the minister’s participation in the SCO Council of Foreign Ministers reaffirmed the relevance of the SCO and the importance that Pakistan attaches to regional peace, security, economic prosperity and connectivity.

The committee was informed that the member states do not bring bilateral relations on SCO platform. However, to respond to the insinuating remarks of Indian Foreign Minister over cross-border terrorism, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto in his statement, condemned the “unilateral and illegal measures by states in violation of international law and Security Council resolutions”, which run counter to the SCO objectives.

Also Read: Move by India astounds Pakistan and other SCO members

