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Indian Cricketer Dies due to Heart Attack Mid-Match

Indian Cricketer Dies due to Heart Attack Mid-Match

In a startling turn of events during a local cricket match in India, the player Vikas Negi met with a tragic demise as a result of a sudden cardiac arrest while on the field.

Vikas Negi, who was actively participating in a cricket match in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, demonstrated sportsmanship by expressing his support for fellow player Umesh Kumar following a successful boundary hit.

The provided video captures the distressing moment when, as Vikas approached Umesh Kumar, he abruptly collapsed due to intense pain. Teammates swiftly gathered around him, and the medical team promptly entered the field to provide assistance.

Despite being rushed to a nearby hospital in Noida, medical professionals exerted every effort to save Vikas’s life, but unfortunately, he could not be revived.

According to media reports, the 34-year-old Negi had accumulated 7 runs off merely six balls at the time of this tragic incident. Viewer discretion is advised while watching the video.
