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Intel Teases Windows 12 for 2024 Release

Intel Teases Windows 12 for 2024 Release

Intel has hinted at a “Windows refresh” scheduled for 2024 as a strategy to boost sales. During Citi’s analyst conference last month, Intel’s CFO, David Zinsner, suggested that a forthcoming Windows release might encourage consumers to upgrade their PCs, citing the aging PC install base as a reason for the potential refresh.

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While Microsoft hasn’t officially announced Windows 12, there have been indications that the company is contemplating integrating AI-powered functionalities into future Windows versions. Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft’s head of consumer marketing, hinted at the possibility of AI playing a more prominent role in the Windows experience.

These developments suggest that a Windows 12 release, coupled with a hardware upgrade focusing on AI coprocessors, could be on the horizon, potentially driving PC sales in 2024 and beyond.
