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Is ChatGPT a Factor in the Rise of School Cheating?

Is ChatGPT a Factor in the Rise of School Cheating?

In spite of initial concerns about the potential for increased cheating in high schools with the introduction of ChatGPT, a recent Stanford study indicates that cheating rates among high school students have either remained statistically unchanged or have slightly decreased.

The study, which involved an anonymous survey at 40 U.S. high schools, revealed that approximately 60% to 70% of students still engage in cheating behaviors, a percentage consistent with previous years. Victor Lee, Stanford’s faculty lead for AI and education, emphasized that while there are isolated cases of AI being used for cheating, overall evidence suggests a minimal impact on high schoolers.

Interestingly, the study found that only 19% of teenagers aged 13 to 17 have used ChatGPT for schoolwork, indicating relatively low adoption among this demographic.

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Student opinions on ChatGPT varied, with many supporting its use in generating concepts or ideas for assignments but objecting to its use in writing papers. Common reasons cited for student cheating included difficulty grasping subject material, time constraints, and performance pressure.

The study encourages educators to include student voices in discussions about AI, recognizing their insights and thoughtful perspectives on the evolving role of AI in education. The researchers acknowledged that attitudes toward AI and its use in education may shift over time, depending on how schools choose to approach AI as a topic and tool.

Additionally, the study highlighted the evolving landscape, noting that some schools are now actively encouraging and teaching students how to effectively use AI tools, such as ChatGPT, to enhance their learning experiences.
