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Islamabad Private Hospital Fined Rs. 1 Million for Medical Negligence

Islamabad Private Hospital Fined Rs. 1 Million for Medical Negligence

The Zimri Orthopedic Hospital in Islamabad has been fined Rs. 1 million by the Islamabad Healthcare Regulatory Authority (IHRA) following a tragic incident in which a patient lost his life during surgery due to alleged criminal negligence. The patient, Mohammad Sajid, had been admitted to the hospital for surgery on a fractured and dislocated lower right leg but suffered a cardiac arrest during the operation and passed away.

The IHRA took action against the hospital due to mishandling by a surgeon and anesthetist involved in the procedure. The hospital’s owner, Dr. Fareedullah Khan Zimri, three other doctors, and several staff members were named in the FIR related to the incident.

Also Read: After a patient died, the operation theatre in Islamabad was sealed

In addition to the fine imposed on the hospital, the anesthetist, Obaidullah, was fined Rs. 500,000 for falsely claiming to be a qualified anesthetist. Both the surgeon and anesthetist will undergo further review by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) in connection with the case.

The IHRA’s investigation found evidence of serious mismanagement and malpractice at the hospital. It emphasized that the anesthetist was not actually qualified, leading to the significant fine. The hospital has been given one month to improve its surgery and anesthesia systems, with the IHRA planning to verify these improvements to ensure safer surgeries in the future.

The patient’s son, Hamza, expressed his grief over the loss of his father and highlighted concerns about the surgeon’s lack of interaction with his father before the operation, as well as the surgeon’s apparent unawareness of the patient’s health history.
