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Islamabad’s 146 KM New Cycling Lanes Promote Eco-Travel

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has announced an extensive initiative titled the ‘Cycling as an Alternative Transport’ project, aiming to introduce designated cycling lanes spanning over 146 kilometers across the federal capital.

This visionary project, set to address environmental concerns by curbing the carbon footprint and alleviating traffic congestion in Islamabad, encompasses the construction of dedicated bicycle tracks accessible to all, including women and senior citizens, ensuring their ease of use.

The development of these cycling lanes is scheduled in three phases, with completion slated by February 2025.

Commencing in February and March of the following year, the CDA plans to kick off the construction along pivotal areas such as Jinnah Avenue, Margalla Road, G-7, and G-6. Subsequently, from May to November, the project will extend to cover the remaining 14 sectors and major avenues within Islamabad.

The final phase, set between December 2024 and February 2025, will see the extension of bicycle lanes along the Srinagar Highway and Islamabad Expressway (up to PWD). An additional aspect of this phase involves the introduction of electric bikes, available for rent at 72 locations citywide through a collaboration with a private company.

These electric bikes will operate separately in designated lanes along signal-free roads, maintaining a speed of 30 kilometers per hour. The estimated cost of this pioneering project stands at Rs. 1.5 billion, underscoring its significant impact on the region’s transportation landscape.

The Member of Technology and Digitization highlighted the project’s importance in enhancing Islamabad’s public transportation system during its completion.

The CDA has prepared a comprehensive project proposal (PC-I) to be deliberated upon in the imminent CDA board meeting, emphasizing the project’s myriad benefits and its alignment with the prevalent public transportation preferences among Islamabad residents.
