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Israeli Volunteers Battle to Deliver Aid to Gaza Amid Rising Attacks

Israeli Volunteers Battle to Deliver Aid to Gaza Amid Rising Attacks

The conflict in Gaza is now being fought on multiple fronts, including the battle to deliver aid. Initially, protests by Israeli citizens against aid trucks entering Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing were reported. This struggle has since escalated, with groups attempting to either halt or ensure the delivery of aid to Gaza.

Recent weeks have seen numerous social media images of aid trucks being looted. Right-wing activists, including settlers in the West Bank, have shared videos of people, including children, throwing aid supplies onto the ground. Some activists argue that blocking aid is essential to winning the war and securing the release of hostages taken by Hamas on October 7, 2023.

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One video shows Israelis celebrating atop a looted truck, while another depicts a truck being set on fire. In Jerusalem, Israeli groups have been stopping aid vehicles and demanding documentation to ensure the aid is not headed to Gaza. Even Palestinian truck drivers fear for their lives, with reports of drivers being beaten despite not carrying aid for Gaza.

However, some Israeli volunteers are striving to prevent these attacks. Peace activists from the group “Standing Together” monitor social media to track aid movements and ensure presence at key crossing points like Tarqumiya. They emphasize that Gaza residents are starving and that aid must reach them. Group founder Suf Patishi stated, “The Israeli society needs to loudly oppose these actions. It is not too much to ask for people not to die of hunger.”
