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Karachi Shelter to Provide Prosthetic Leg for Injured Camel Post Sanghar Incident

Karachi Shelter to Provide Prosthetic Leg for Injured Camel Post Sanghar Incident

In a tragic incident, a camel from Sanghar, which suffered the loss of its leg due to the cruelty of a feudal lord, has been transported to Karachi for medical treatment.

Following orders from Faryal Talpur, President of the Pakistan People’s Party Women Wing, the injured camel was relocated to Karachi to receive proper care for its severed limb and to undergo fitting for a prosthetic.

Read more: Five Held for Chopping Off Camel’s Leg In Sangarh

Dr. Khushi Muhammad Rajput, an officer at the Animal Hospital, oversaw the camel’s late-night transfer to Karachi. The Animal Welfare Committee accompanied the camel to ensure its safe journey. Upon arrival at the animal shelter, a team of veterinarians promptly began treatment.

Sumita Afzal Syed, a PPP leader, confirmed that the camel is now recuperating comfortably at the shelter. Plans are in place to equip the camel with a prosthetic leg and initiate rehabilitation to adapt to the new limb.

This intervention comes in response to a brutal incident where a feudal lord in Sanghar mutilated the camel’s leg after it trespassed on his property. The swift response and compassionate care provided by the animal welfare team and PPP leaders have raised hopes for the camel’s recovery and restoration.

The camel’s condition and treatment progress are being closely monitored, with dedicated efforts aimed at ensuring its full recovery and improved quality of life.
