Breaking News

Landslide Blocks Neelum Valley, Leaving Travelers Stranded

Landslide Blocks Neelum Valley, Leaving Travelers Stranded

The Neelum Valley, known for its breathtaking landscapes, has been hit by a significant setback due to a massive rockfall near Shaikh Bela, disrupting the main highway and leaving both tourists and local residents stranded. This incident has exacerbated existing travel difficulties in the area, particularly affecting Kel Shaikh Bela, a popular tourist spot in the valley.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time that Kel Shaikh Bela has faced such risks, as landslides have posed ongoing threats to the region. However, this recent rockfall has heightened concerns and underscored the vulnerability of the area to natural hazards.

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The blockade of the main highway has effectively cut off crucial ground connections to the upper regions’ district headquarters, amplifying the sense of isolation for residents and travelers. Despite the urgency of the situation, efforts to clear the debris and reopen the highway have yet to yield results.

As a result, both tourists and locals find themselves grappling with significant travel challenges, unsure of when normal travel operations will resume in the Neelum Valley. With no immediate resolution in sight, individuals in the area are anxiously awaiting updates and hoping for swift action to restore accessibility and safety along the affected highway.
