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Latest news about Canada’s immigration policy

Latest news about Canada's immigration policy

TORONTO – Canada’s new immigration minister has confirmed that the country has no plans to decrease immigration numbers, despite rumors and allegations. Marc Miller stated that he is open to discussing concerns raised by some economists and groups about rising immigration targets and housing shortages. However, he affirmed that he currently has no intention of lowering immigration levels in the near future.
The minister’s statement comes ahead of Canada’s annual immigration plan announcement, which will outline the number and categories of newcomers the country aims to welcome in the next three years. The current plan aims to attract 465,000 permanent residents in 2023, 485,000 in 2024, and 500,000 in 2025.

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Miller emphasized that he sees no reason to decrease immigration given the country’s needs. He acknowledged the importance of having a measured approach and engaging in dialogue on the matter.
In 2022, Canada reached a record of 431,645 new permanent residents, surpassing the numbers from the previous year. Despite concerns about the impact of high immigration on housing and public services, the minister believes that the numbers presented are not representative of the full picture and only reflect specific arguments.
Miller also expressed support for immigrants and condemned blaming newcomers for challenges. He highlighted the need to call out those who spread unfair criticisms against immigrants.
Overall, Canada’s immigration minister remains committed to maintaining the current immigration levels and engaging in discussions to address concerns and build consensus in the country.
