Ricardo Godoi, a 45-year-old Brazilian influencer known for his luxury car content, tragically passed away after suffering cardiac arrest while under general anesthesia for a back tattoo. The incident occurred at a private hospital in Itapema, Santa Catarina, Brazil, on January 20.
Godoi, with over 220,000 Instagram followers, had informed fans of his planned procedure, stating he would return to posting later that day. Tragically, he went into cardiac arrest shortly after sedation and intubation, even before the tattooing began. Despite swift intervention by a cardiologist, efforts to revive him were unsuccessful.
The hospital confirmed all pre-procedure precautions, including blood tests, were completed, showing no apparent risks. Godoi had also signed a consent form acknowledging the potential dangers.
As CEO of Godoi Premium Group, Godoi often shared content featuring luxury cars and his wife, Rafaela Gastaldi, who now mourns his untimely loss alongside fans.
Experts caution that general anesthesia, while generally safe, carries risks. “Anesthesia is more complex than it appears,” said Dr. John Baer, noting that while fatal complications are rare today, they still occur in 1 out of 100,000 cases.