Veteran actress Bushra Ansari recently surprised fans during the Global Urdu Conference in Karachi by jokingly claiming she arranged a marriage between actors Imran Ashraf and Sajal Aly. Her playful comments quickly became a topic of conversation.
While talking to Imran, Bushra humorously said, “Did you know that I arranged your marriage to Sajal Aly?” The remark was based on a rumor she had heard, but it left Imran visibly surprised.
Also Read: Bushra Ansari Speaks Out About Divorce and Second Marriage to Iqbal Hussain
Imran responded by clarifying that Sajal is like a sister to him and added that he is currently unmarried with no plans for marriage. Bushra’s lighthearted suggestion, “Imran, either get married or elope, we’ll accept it later,” brought laughter to the audience.
The exchange, which showcased Bushra Ansari’s cheerful personality, quickly went viral on social media, with fans praising her for her humor and warmth.