Chahat Fateh Ali Khan, a well-known Pakistani entertainer recognized for his comedic remake of Madam Noor Jahan’s “Akh Larray Bado Badi,” recently found himself at the center of controversy.
Famous for his quirky performances and passion for interviews, Chahat appeared on Mathira’s popular 21MM Show.
Read more: Chahat Fateh Ali Khan Willing to Act in Karan Johar’s Movies ‘Free of Cost’
A behind-the-scenes (BTS) video from the show, posted by Chahat on his official Facebook, quickly gained attention and sparked criticism.
In the clip, Chahat greets Mathira and asks for a photo, which she agrees to. However, viewers noticed that Mathira seemed reserved and uncomfortable.
Social media users wasted no time in accusing Chahat of giving off “flirtatious vibes.” Some claimed that Mathira looked uneasy and even unsafe during the interaction.
Several commenters pointed out that they had never seen Mathira so visibly uncomfortable before. Many criticized Chahat for his inappropriate behavior toward the female host.
The video has continued to spread across social media, igniting discussions on professionalism and respecting personal boundaries within the entertainment industry.