Strings alum Faisal Kapadia recently shared an Instagram post featuring Indian singer Lucky Ali, marking a heartfelt moment between two music legends. Kapadia expressed admiration for Ali’s “magical” music, adding that their latest encounter in Dubai led to some “soulful gup-shup (chatter).”
Fans were thrilled by the meeting, urging the two icons to collaborate. Comments included, “Create a masterpiece together!” and “Two legends in one frame.”
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On the work front, Kapadia continues to promote his debut solo album, Zindagi Jahaan Le Jaaye, released in February 2024. He encouraged fans to experience the album as a whole, emphasizing its carefully curated tracklist.
Meanwhile, Lucky Ali, famous for timeless hits like O Sanam, recently voiced his support for Palestine during a concert in Dubai. The singer’s bold statement, “There can only be one state, and it has to be Palestine,” resonated with his audience, drawing cheers and applause.
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