The Pakistani feature film “GUNJAL Entangled” premiered at the Cultural Palace in Riyadh, hosted by the Embassy of Pakistan. The event attracted a notable audience from the Pakistani community and foreign diplomats. Lead actors Ahmed Ali Akbar and Amna Ilyas, along with director Shoaib Sultan, were in attendance.
Muazzam Ali, Deputy Head of Mission at the Pakistan Embassy, emphasized the deep-rooted cultural connection between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, highlighting the potential for further collaboration. Pakistani Head of Chancery Mohsen Saifullah expressed excitement about showcasing Pakistan’s film industry in Saudi Arabia and anticipating more collaborative opportunities.
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Ahmed Ali Akbar and Amna Ilyas discussed the film’s focus on child labor and human rights, celebrating its release in Saudi Arabia. The movie, inspired by the life of child labor activist Iqbal Masih, will be shown in Saudi cinemas starting August 15th.
Directed by Shoaib Sultan, produced by Nighat Akbar Shah, and written by Nirmal Bano and Ali Kazmi, “GUNJAL” features Ahmed Ali Akbar, Resham, Amna Ilyas, and Ahmad Ali Butt. The film was well-received by both Saudi and international viewers for its important message on child labor.