Wedding buzz in Pakistan’s entertainment industry has now turned toward actor Ali Rehman Khan, with rumors suggesting he might tie the knot in March 2025 in Karachi. Speculations hint that his bride could be Nusrat, his fitness trainer.
The chatter started after Ali shared an Instagram picture with Nusrat captioned “Date Night,” sparking curiosity about their relationship. However, in a recent interview, Ali denied the rumors, stating:
“I’m not getting married right now, and people on social media often pair me up with my friends just because we take pictures together.”
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A viral selfie of Ali and Nusrat added fuel to the fire, but no confirmation has come from either side. Close sources, however, suggest that an official announcement might be on the horizon.
Adding to the speculation, Gohar Rasheed shared videos captioned “My Friend’s Wedding,” and Kinza Hashmi hosted a party with Ali in attendance.
With recent weddings of Sheheryar Munawar, Maheen Siddiqui, and Neelam Muneer, and rumors about Kubra Khan and Gohar Rasheed, Ali Rehman Khan might soon join the list of celebrities stepping into married life.