South Indian actress Nayanthara has issued an apology amidst the ongoing controversy surrounding her latest Netflix film, “Annapoorani: The Goddess of Food.” The movie, in which Nayanthara plays the lead role, was removed from the streaming platform just weeks after its premiere, marking another instance of digital entertainment projects facing removal due to controversy in India.
“Annapoorani,” previously the second-most watched Netflix feature in India, revolves around the story of the daughter of a Hindu priest who aspires to become the country’s top chef. Nayanthara addressed the backlash in a recent Instagram post, expressing regret for any unintended offense caused. She highlighted that the film had received clearance from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), and the team did not anticipate the removal of a censored film.
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In her Instagram note, Nayanthara stated, “My team and I never intended to hurt anyone’s sentiments, and we understand the gravity of this issue. Being someone who wholly believes in God and frequently visits temples across the country, it is the last thing I would intentionally do. To those whose feelings we’ve touched, I extend my sincere & heartfelt apologies.”
Following the controversy, an FIR (First Information Report) was filed in Mumbai against the cast and makers of the film, with protestors alleging that it “offends Hindu religious sentiments.” In response, the film’s co-producer, Zee Studios, issued an apology letter, expressing regret for any inconvenience and hurt caused to the sentiments of Hindu and Brahmin communities. The FIR, filed on January 8 by Rakesh Solanki, founder of the Hindu IT Cell, named several individuals involved in the film, including Nayanthara, her co-star Jai, writer-director Nilesh Krishnaa, and key producers and executives.