While Karan Johar is renowned for crafting films that celebrate friendship and affection, he candidly acknowledged that finding love can prove to be an intricate journey. During a recent speech commemorating his 25-year career in the film industry, he reflected on his debut movie, “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai,” and discussed the changing dynamics of relationships and the challenges they confront over time. Karan Johar also highlighted how the younger generation today grapples with more “turbulent” break-ups than previous generations.
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Speaking at the Bollywood Hungama OTT India Fest, Karan shared an intriguing facet of his personal life, revealing that he has never ventured into the realm of dating apps to seek love. However, he did admit to briefly trying out Raya, a membership-based dating app, after hearing it attracted individuals from the entertainment industry. His experience with the app, though, was far from smooth.
Karan disclosed, “But every time I ticked someone, they didn’t reciprocate. There was no response. I faced multiple rejections.” Speculating that his profile might have been mistaken for a fake account, he eventually decided to part ways with the app, humorously remarking, “I felt a bit inferior. I was quite liberal with my ‘likes,’ but there was no reciprocity.”
The acclaimed filmmaker went on to share his contemplations on the challenging quest for love, emphasizing the importance of connecting with someone who is compassionate and compatible. He playfully questioned the commonly heard advice to “put yourself out there,” pondering the elusive nature of this mythical “there.”
In a recent interview with Mid-Day, Karan Johar candidly expressed his moments of sadness. He expressed his desire to spare others from similar experiences and affirmed his ongoing connection with the person in question, treating them like family. However, he clarified that they are not affiliated with the movie industry. Despite participating in both virtual and in-person dates since the pandemic’s outbreak, none of these encounters blossomed into anything more profound.