Komal Aziz, known for her sharp wit and bold personality, recently gave fans a glimpse into her life as an actor-turned-entrepreneur through a candid Q&A on Instagram. The Mohlat actor, who now runs her own clothing brand, addressed everything from stress-eating to navigating challenges in business with her characteristic flair.
Responding to a question about her weight gain, Komal admitted, “Running a business is stressful. I end up stress-eating during difficult times,” adding with a wink, “I don’t smoke, so eating calms me.”
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Komal also opened up about moving her store due to landlord issues, explaining, “The landlord was acting greedy, so I said bye.” She emphasized that women in business are often underestimated, stating, “A lot of weak men think a woman running a business alone is exploitable. Little do they know.”
When a follower suggested lowering her clothing prices, Komal’s response was unapologetic: “Kindly start working harder or get a second job.” She defended her brand, highlighting that her store offers affordable options, especially during sales.
Komal’s unapologetic honesty and resilience prove she’s not only a businesswoman but also an advocate for strong, independent women.