Pakistani actors Kubra Khan and Gohar Rasheed have delighted fans by officially confirming their upcoming marriage. The announcement came via an Instagram video featuring stars like Humayun Saeed, Asim Azhar, and Azaan Sami Khan, playfully speculating about a mystery wedding.
The video ends with Kubra and Gohar smiling together, subtly confirming the news, which quickly became a highlight in the entertainment industry. Fans and fellow celebrities flooded the comments with congratulations and well wishes for the couple.
Also Read: Kubra Khan Reveals Wedding Date – All the Details Inside!
Kubra and Gohar’s chemistry has been admired in the industry for years, making their union one of the most anticipated announcements. The playful yet heartwarming video further solidified their place as one of the most beloved celebrity pairs.
Though the couple has not revealed the wedding date, the news has already created a buzz among fans eager to see the big day unfold.