Bollywood actress Mamta Kulkarni, known for hits like Karan Arjun and Baazi, has returned to India after 25 years. Her emotional homecoming follows her acquittal in a high-profile drug smuggling case that made headlines in 2015.
Mamta shared a heartfelt video on Instagram as she landed in Mumbai, describing her joy and nostalgia. “I had tears in my eyes seeing my country from above after 24 years,” she said, recalling the overwhelming moment. The actress left India in 2000, distancing herself from Bollywood and public life.
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Her return also coincides with her spiritual journey, as she plans to attend the 2025 Maha Kumbh Mela. In her caption, she expressed gratitude for her homeland, mentioning her brief visit to the Kumbh in 2012 after years of austerity.
The Bombay High Court recently canceled the FIR against Mamta, clearing her of allegations linked to an international drug cartel involving her husband, Vicky Goswami. She always maintained her innocence and was never arrested in the case.