Pakistani actor Noor Xarmina has been named ‘Miss Universe Pakistan 2024’ and will represent Pakistan at the 73rd Miss Universe pageant in November. The announcement was made through a video posted on the official Miss Universe YouTube channel. Xarmina, a 29-year-old venture capitalist-turned-actor from Islamabad, has a background in biology and business and recently returned to Pakistan.
In the video, Xarmina expressed her commitment to bringing about “positive change” in her home country. She aims to enhance Pakistan’s international representation and advocate for stronger female leadership to empower women and drive societal progress. Xarmina believes that improving Pakistan’s global image and advancing women’s roles are crucial goals.
Read more: Saudi Arabia Contemplates First Miss Universe Contestant
Pakistani Information Minister Ataullah Tarar indicated that support for Xarmina’s international pageant participation would be considered if she contributes positively to Pakistan’s image. He also referenced Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s recognition of achievements, noting that public support depends on the impact made. Last year, Erica Rabin became the first Pakistani woman to win the Miss Universe Pakistan title, marking a significant milestone for the country.