Actor Mohib Mirza couldn’t stop admiring his wife, Sanam Saeed, during a recent appearance on YouTube show Nadaan Maizban. Married since 2021, the couple recently marked three years of love and partnership. Mohib described Sanam as “a peaceful soul” who is down-to-earth and free of arrogance.
Highlighting her professionalism, Mohib explained how Sanam’s dedication to her craft stands out. “She observes every detail—her position, the camera’s placement, and the scene’s demands—before performing. She’s curious because she wants to do justice to her roles.”
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He also applauded her theatre expertise, calling her “one of the best theatre performers in Pakistan.” Mohib shared how Sanam once performed a play involving 42 characters, proving her ability to handle complex challenges with grace.
Reflecting on their personal life, Mohib expressed admiration for Sanam’s balanced temperament. “You won’t know a more composed person,” he said, adding that her tranquil nature contrasts beautifully with his jovial demeanor, anchoring their relationship.
The couple first confirmed their marriage during an interview with Fahad Mustafa after letting rumors swirl for some time. Recently, they treated fans to glimpses of their romantic getaway on Instagram, further showcasing their strong bond.