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Muneeb Butt on Marriage and Fame

Muneeb Butt on Marriage and Fame

In a recent appearance on a Ramazan show hosted by Nida Yasir, renowned actor Muneeb Butt shared insights into his decision to marry at a young age, highlighting the importance of marriage in bringing stability and blessings to one’s life.

Butt, a prominent figure in the showbiz industry, challenged the prevalent societal norm where families often delay marriage due to financial concerns. He emphasized that marriage itself brings blessings and opportunities for success.

“Very often we see in our society that families proceed with engagement but wait for Nikkah because the boy isn’t financially established,” remarked Butt during the interview. “I say that Nikkah is such a good deed and I have a firm belief that if you enter Nikkah today, God will open new paths of success for you.”

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He continued to express his conviction that embarking on the journey of marriage doesn’t hinder one’s progress but rather paves the way for prosperity. “I strongly believe that it’s not possible that you’ll be led to your downfall after Nikkah or that you will keep struggling because you have not done anything wrong,” he asserted. “You have done a good deed so you will see the blessings in your life if you keep a positive approach.”

Butt elaborated on his personal experience, explaining that his decision to marry at a young age was influenced by his realization of the challenges posed by fame and success in the entertainment industry. “Because at that time, I was becoming more successful and I was able to realize that we are merely humans and Satan will tempt me towards the wrong path,” he confessed.

Reflecting on the pitfalls faced by many individuals in showbiz who succumb to the pressures of fame, Butt underscored the importance of establishing a stable family life to anchor oneself amidst the temptations. “There is a big chance that you will be led astray. There are a lot of examples within our industry of people who were blessed by a lot of fame and success at an early age but they could not handle it,” he shared.

Concluding his remarks, Butt stressed the significance of prioritizing family and personal values over transient success. “So I realized right then that it’s better that I settle down and start a family life so even if I am tempted to do wrong, my mind has better things to think,” he concluded.
