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Naseeruddin Shah apologizes to Pakistan’s Sindhi-speaking community

In an interview, the actor stated that “Sindhi is, of course, no longer spoken in Pakistan.” This assumption was not well received by Pakistanis.

Naseeruddin Shah, an Indian actor, has found himself in the forefront of controversy after claiming that Sindhi is no longer spoken in Pakistan. These words, made during the promotion of his web series Taj: Divided By Blood, sparked a storm of criticism and outrage among Pakistanis. Shah has now issued an official apology on his official Facebook page, admitting his mistake and apologizing for any damage caused.

Shah apologized on his Facebook page, addressing it to Pakistan’s whole Sindhi-speaking people. In his message, he accepted his mistake and expressed heartfelt apologies for gravely insulting the community with his incorrect opinion, but he couldn’t help but poke fun at his detractors.

“All right, all right. I apologize to Pakistan’s entire Sindhi-speaking people, whom I appear to have profoundly hurt by my incorrect opinion. I accept I was misinformed, but is it necessary to hang me for it? “As Jesus said, ‘Let him who is free from…'” he wrote.

“Actually, after years of being mistaken for an intelligent person, I’m quite enjoying being called ‘ignorant’ and ‘pretend intellectual.'” It’s a big adjustment!”

“Two completely unnecessary controversies seem to have erupted over things, I’ve said recently,” the actor previously responded to the topic. One is concerning my incorrect assertion about the Sindhi language in Pakistan. I made a mistake there.

“The second over what I’m supposed to have said about the Marathi-Farsi relationship.” Specifically, I said, ‘many Marathi words are of Farsi origin.’ My purpose was not to disparage the Marathi language but rather to discuss how variety enhances all cultures. Urdu is a hybrid of Hindi, Farsi, Turkish, and Arabic. English has borrowed words from every European language, not to mention Hindustani, and I believe this is true of every language spoken on the planet.”

Despite admitting he was wrong, his first statement did not include an apology, which irritated people. Sindhi actors Mansha Pasha, Yasir Nawaz, and Danish Nawaz mocked the actor in a video.

While jokes were made, the incident emphasizes the necessity of cultural sensitivity and proper knowledge, particularly when discussing matters that may insult or marginalize people. However, even public individuals can make mistakes, and it is important to own up to and acknowledge those mistakes.

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