Bollywood actress and renowned dancer Rakhi Sawant has publicly expressed her strong support for the incarcerated PTI founder and former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan. Speaking at the launch of her latest music video, “Baby Drama Queen,” in Dubai, Sawant conveyed her concern over Khan’s imprisonment and shared her intention to visit Pakistan to celebrate his release.
In a recent interview, Sawant expressed her shock and disappointment over the detention of what she described as a “decent and upright” individual like Imran Khan. She emphasized the widespread public backing for him, noting that Khan’s name is on “everyone’s lips” and that the popular sentiment strongly favors his return to the role of Prime Minister.
Also Read: Rakhi Sawant Challenges Pakistani Stars To A Dance-Off, Sparks Friendly Banter
Sawant went on to predict that Imran Khan would soon regain the premiership, recognizing his selfless dedication to the people and the personal challenges he has faced, including physical injury. She also affirmed her commitment to visiting Pakistan following his release and performing Umrah in gratitude if the PTI secures a political victory.
As a further gesture of support, Sawant dedicated her latest song, “Baby Drama Queen,” to Imran Khan, demonstrating her solidarity with the former prime minister.