Saba Pataudi, Saif Ali Khan’s sister, has responded to trolls questioning her brother’s quick recovery following the knife attack at his Bandra residence on January 16. The actor suffered multiple injuries, including to his neck and spine, but was discharged from Lilavati Hospital on January 21.
Addressing the criticism, Saba took to Instagram, urging trolls to “educate yourselves” and shared insights from Dr. Deepak Krishnamurthy, who explained that recovery timelines vary, citing examples of cardiac surgery patients resuming activities within days.
Meanwhile, Pooja Bhatt also defended Saif, reminding critics of his resilience and ability to walk into the hospital unassisted.
On January 26, Saif and Kareena Kapoor were seen publicly for the first time since the incident, surrounded by tight security. Saif appeared to be recovering well, with a visible bandage on his neck.
Separately, confusion over the suspect’s identity led to Akash Kanojia, a 31-year-old driver, being wrongfully detained by police. Investigations into the attack continue.