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Son Reveals Details About Junaid Jamshed Last WhatsApp Voice Message

Son Reveals Details About Junaid Jamshed Last WhatsApp Voice Message

Babar Junaid, son of the late Junaid Jamshed, revealed his father’s final WhatsApp voice note during a podcast appearance.

The episode also featured Mujaddid Sabri, son of the late Amjad Sabri. Host Nadir Ali discussed Junaid Jamshed’s last audio message, with Babar sharing his father’s final wishes.

Read more: Saifullah Junaid, the youngest son of Junaid Jamshed, gets married

Ali mentioned that a friend of Jamshed had played the voice note for him and noted Junaid’s frequent use of “Insha’Allah” and “Masha’Allah.”

In his final message, Junaid Jamshed unusually left out “Insha’Allah,” simply saying, “I will come to Karachi.” Host Ali noted that this was significant, possibly by God’s will. Babar Junaid confirmed the voice note’s authenticity and recalled receiving news of his father’s death from his mother while at home.

He shared that Junaid had always desired martyrdom, believing it would ensure his entry into paradise without judgment. Junaid Jamshed’s journey from a popular singer to a devoted religious leader had a profound impact on many.

He tragically lost his life in a plane crash on December 7, 2016, while on a mission to spread Islam in Chitral, dedicating his last days to his faith.
