Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan recently engaged with his fans in a quick question-and-answer session on his X (formerly known as Twitter) account. During this interaction, he referred to Indian cricketer Virat Kohli as his “son-in-law,” which drew the attention of many.
Shah Rukh Khan, who was away for a shoot, decided to connect with his fans during a late call time. He posted, “Away shooting. Been told call time is a bit later. So, think [I] can do a fast #AskSRK with you all if you are also free like me! Let’s start and ask for anything…oops, ask anything! I mean.”
The reference to Virat Kohli as his “son-in-law” is likely a humorous comment, as it’s common for fans to make playful remarks about celebrities’ personal lives. Shah Rukh Khan and Virat Kohli are both prominent figures in India’s entertainment and sports industries, and their interaction sparked reactions and discussions among fans and followers.
Away shooting. Been told call time is a bit later. So think can do a faasssttt #AskSRK with u all if u are also free like me! Let’s start and ask for anything….oops ask anything!!! I mean.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 27, 2023
During the question-and-answer session on his X (formerly known as Twitter) account, a fan asked Shah Rukh Khan to share a few words about Virat Kohli in a “Jawan style.” In response, Shah Rukh Khan expressed his affection for Kohli, stating, “I love [Virat Kohli], he is like my own, and I pray always for his well-being…bhai damaad jaisa hai humaara!” This statement playfully suggests that Virat Kohli is like a son-in-law to him, using a humorous and endearing tone.
I love @imVkohli he is like my own and I pray always for his well being….bhai damaad jaisa hai humaara!!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 27, 2023
Shah Rukh Khan further displayed his support for the Indian cricket team by wishing all the players well in the World Cup. He expressed his love for the cricket player Virat Kohli and extended his good wishes to the entire Indian sports team, writing, “All the best to the boys…have a great World Cup!” This message reflects his enthusiasm and best wishes for the team’s performance in the tournament.
Indiaaaaaa…..Indiaaaa. All the best to the boys…..have a great World cup!! All the best
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 27, 2023
Shah Rukh Khan expressed his gratitude for his wide-ranging career during the Q&A session with fans. He mentioned that the ability to entertain so many people and bring smiles to their faces is what motivates him as an actor, and he’s very happy about it. In response to a fan’s request for him to only do “big and ambitious projects,” Khan emphasized that the size of a film is determined by the heart it has, and he believes that all his films strive to have a big heart. He also mentioned that his recent film “Jawan” had a big heart and a big canvas. This reflects his commitment to meaningful and impactful storytelling in his films.
The fact that I could entertain so many…and make so many smile, is what keeps me going as an actor. So I am very happy….
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 27, 2023
Films are big by the heart they have in them….I believe all my films try and have a big heart!! #Jawan had a big heart and a big canvas too.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 27, 2023
Shah Rukh Khan shared some insights about his upcoming film “Dunki” during the Q&A session with fans. He described the film as “funny and emotional” and mentioned that it belongs to the world of director Rajkumar Hirani. Khan added that he has included a bit of action in the film, although it’s up to the director whether or not to include it, as he is the editor. This teaser gives fans a glimpse of what to expect from “Dunki” and creates anticipation for the film’s release.
#Dunki is all funny and emotional. It’s Raju sirs world mere bhai. Thoda sa action maine daal diya hai…pata nahi sir rahein na rakhein….woh editor bhi hain na!!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 27, 2023