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The story of how two lovers from across the border united

The story of how two lovers from across the border united

In an unexpected turn of events, Pakistanis and Indians are currently telling love stories. An Indian woman arrived on the scene to settle the score after Seema Haider crossed borders to meet with her lover, Sachin Meena.
Anju, a woman from India’s Uttar Pradesh state, left everything behind to join her sweetheart, Nasrullah, in Pakistan. The latter is a resident of KPK, yet this did not keep Anju upbeat.

Read more : The lover who travelled from Pakistan to India

The 35-year-old Indian woman, who is already married, traveled to Dir in KPK to be eternally united with her love.
Anju, who graduated from a local college in UP, is apparently not interested in speaking with media sources, therefore there is little information accessible.
The couple met while playing PUBG, or Players BattleGround, an online video game, and fell in love.

