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When Bollywood Met Birth: Momal Sheikh’s Serendipitous Journey

When Bollywood Met Birth: Momal Sheikh's Serendipitous Journey

Momal Sheikh, an actor and producer who has made a name for herself in the Pakistani showbiz industry, credits her husband, Nadir Nawaz, for the turning point in her career. Appearing as a guest alongside her husband on Shan e Suhoor with host Nida Yasir, Momal emphasized Nadir’s pivotal role in her success, stating, “The man behind all my success is not anyone in my family. It is Nader.”

Despite coming from a family with a rich legacy in TV acting and production, Momal’s breakthrough came with her debut in the 2016 Bollywood romantic comedy “Happy Bhag Jayegi.” The opportunity arose when Momal was postpartum with her first-born, Ibrahim. According to her, she wouldn’t have accepted the role if it weren’t for Nadir’s encouragement.

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“Ibrahim was only two months old, so I didn’t think I could do it, but Nader said I should absolutely do it,” Momal recalled.

Nadir perceived the opportunity as a sign of good fortune brought by their new baby. He remarked, “Every child brings their own luck. I have a very strong faith, and that is what I took from it. This audition came after so long, but it only came after our baby came along. I urged Momal to go for it, and that together we would manage things at home.”

Despite facing opposition from her entire family regarding taking such a significant step in her career while caring for a newborn, Momal credits Nadir for being her sole source of support. With the film director insisting on casting only Momal for the role and Nadir standing firmly behind her, the decision was made.

“If Nadir hadn’t been there, I would never have been able to do all the things I have done in my life,” expressed Momal warmly. “Just like there is a woman behind every successful man, there is also a man behind every successful woman.”

Today, with two children, Momal acknowledges Nadir’s continued involvement as a father, dedicating an hour every day to take their son cycling after his return from work.

“Of course, everything isn’t perfect – we do argue,” Momal admitted, “but we always have a mutual discussion and mutual understanding about every aspect of our lives. We are two people living one life. That is the bedrock of a successful marriage.”
