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Yashma Gill Discusses Faith Rediscovery Journey

Yashma Gill Discusses Faith Rediscovery Journey

Yashma Gill, a Pakistani actor, opened up about her journey from atheism to a rediscovery of her faith in Islam during an interview with Ahmad Ali Butt. She reflected on her life experiences and her tendency to connect events to form a bigger picture, emphasizing her belief in karma and the idea that good actions should yield positive outcomes.

However, Yashma faced challenges when she encountered adverse consequences despite her best intentions. This led her to question the existence of a higher power and the fairness of the universe. She candidly shared her struggles with understanding why bad things were happening to her despite her efforts to think and act positively.

Also Read: “Yashma Gill expresses her support for Shahroz Sabzwari.”

One of the most perplexing aspects for Yashma was the coexistence of predestination and free will. She grappled with the idea that if everything is predetermined, then personal choice and responsibility become meaningless. This dilemma troubled her during her spiritual exploration, and she found it difficult to reconcile the concept of free will with the notion of destiny.

Despite her unanswered questions, Yashma acknowledged that rediscovering her faith has provided her with some clarity over time. She recognized the influence of the company she kept and the importance of personal choices in shaping her life’s direction. While she may not have all the answers, Yashma’s journey reflects the complexity of grappling with faith and philosophy in the face of life’s challenges.
