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Mahira Khan Expresses Solidarity for Palestine as she prays for ‘mercy’

Mahira Khan Expresses Solidarity for Palestine as she prays for 'mercy'

Renowned Pakistani superstar Mahira Khan recently took to social media to express her deep grief and solidarity with the people of Palestine amidst the ongoing brutalities in the region. In a heartfelt post on X, Khan shared her emotions, acknowledging life’s routine challenges while emphasizing the importance of recognizing and empathizing with the pain suffered by the people of Palestine.

In her poignant message, Khan stated, “Nothing feels good. And I understand life goes on…It has to. We resume work, we worry about our child’s exams, or mother’s health, or our own…But through it all…The heart bleeds and breaks. May Allah have mercy on Palestine. On their hearts… their children… their lives.”

Khan’s words resonate with the sentiments of millions worldwide deeply affected by the ongoing Israeli actions in Palestine. As violence persists in the region, Khan’s message serves as a reminder of the harsh realities faced by the people of Palestine, calling for compassion and mercy amid the challenging circumstances they endure.

Earlier, Khan faced controversy on X when some users accused her of delivering a “diplomatic” statement amid Israel’s offensive against Gaza. However, Khan clarified her stance, expressing her support for those suffering and showing empathy for those who might be misinformed about the situation.

Responding to a troll’s insinuation that her “silence” was motivated by concerns about her future Hollywood contracts, Khan delivered a concise yet powerful message: “Uhhh, I call it loud and clear. Sit down. Use your time to pray for Palestine.” Her unapologetic reply demonstrated her commitment to raising her voice for the suffering in Gaza.

Additionally, Khan retweeted a statement by Fatima Bhutto, echoing sentiments about the tragic situation in Gaza. Bhutto shared a heart-wrenching video of a baby girl rescued from the rubble of a bombed house, emphasizing the victims of Israel’s actions and criticizing international support for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
