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Maryam Nawaz, CM Punjab, Initiates a Campaign Against Drug Abuse

Maryam Nawaz, CM Punjab, Initiates a Campaign Against Drug Abuse

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, on World Anti-Drug Day, reiterated her government’s commitment to making Punjab a drug-free province for the sake of its youth’s future. She emphasized the destructive impact of drug abuse on individuals and families during a press conference, stressing the urgent need for collective action against this pressing issue.

“Drug use devastates lives and families,” stated Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz. “We must come together to combat this menace.”

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Encouraging citizens to raise awareness and support those struggling with addiction, she highlighted the Punjab government’s comprehensive strategy to tackle drug trafficking and use. This strategy includes stringent measures and educational initiatives aimed at prevention.

Maryam Nawaz underscored the role of education and awareness in preventing drug abuse, emphasizing the importance of informing the public about its dangers.

She also mandated aggressive action against drug trafficking networks, emphasizing a zero-tolerance approach toward those profiting from illegal drug trade. Calling for unity in the fight against drugs, she urged every citizen to actively contribute to the cause.

“We need a collective effort in this battle against drugs,” she affirmed, expressing solidarity with victims and their families and assuring them of ongoing support.
