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Move by India astounds Pakistan and other SCO members

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and the other SCO members were taken aback by India’s sudden decision to host the summit online rather than in person in July. A representative of the Foreign Office responded to New Delhi’s news by saying, “It was a surprise for everyone.” The official, who spoke to The Express Tribune under the condition of anonymity, said that Pakistan learned of the decision through a letter sent by India to SCO members on Tuesday, including Islamabad.

According to the official, Pakistan’s initial assumption was that India had opted not to host the summit in person due to the absence of confirmation from both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping to attend the event in New Delhi. According to the official, it would have been embarrassing for India on the diplomatic front if the presidents of both China and Russia had chosen to forego attending the meeting in person. This was most likely the driving force behind New Delhi holding the summit remotely.

There might also be a Pakistani component, according to another source. Given what transpired in Goa during the SCO Council of Foreign Ministers meeting, India might have believed that the presence of the Pakistani prime minister at the summit in New Delhi would cast doubt on the organization’s business. International news stories would have focused heavily on whether or not the leaders of India and Pakistan will meet outside of the summit.

This was just what India wants to prevent, the person continued. However, according to other sources, New Delhi’s decision may also have been influenced by the conflict along India’s border with China and by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. At this time, it appeared that India was not interested in hosting the leaders of China and Russia, who are rivals of the US and the West. The entry of New Delhi’s rivals in the nation would have complicated the situation at a time when New Delhi was actively interacting with the West in the hopes of obtaining cutting-edge technology, according to the Indian media.

However, according to some reports, it would not matter if the SCO leaders met via video link because India would be hosting these leaders in September for the G20 conference. The SCO, which includes important Central Asian nations as well as Russia, China, Pakistan, and India, is now presided over by India. India took over the SCO’s rotating chairmanship on September 16, 2022, at the Samarkand Summit.

The conference will essentially take place on July 4, according to a statement released on Tuesday by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs. All SCO members, including China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, were invited to the summit, according to the announcement

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