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Mumbai Film Festival slammed for excluding Pakistan amidst calls for South Asian talent

Pakistan was left off the list of nations that may compete in the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival, which is run by the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI). This move has drawn criticism. This decision has aroused debate and prompted questions about the festival’s dedication to fostering cross-cultural understanding and unification via the arts.

The festival claims to have served as a significant venue for displaying the top international talent and movies since its founding in 1997. The festival seeks to introduce up-and-coming talent to the global festival scene with an enlarged objective to highlight South Asian and South Asian diaspora filmmakers.

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Pakistan was specifically disqualified from the competition per the festival’s qualifying requirements for the 2023 edition. The rules state that films from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, and Sri Lanka may enter the South Asian category. Aside from directors of South Asian heritage residing anywhere in the globe, films having a South Asian connection were also welcome to apply.

Critics have criticised the decision to omit Pakistan, particularly in light of the ongoing hostilities between India and Pakistan. Critics contend that this absence shows how the present Indian government has influenced the event, implying an intentional effort to exclude Pakistani art. It follows the prohibition on Pakistani artists from operating in India, further escalating the argument over cross-border cultural interchange.


The festival’s promises to encourage a “expanded vision” and promote “idea exchange and easy access to information related to filmmaking, funding, distribution, and marketing support for films and filmmakers” only serve to underline the hypocrisy. This goal of fostering intercultural dialogue and unification appears to be undermined by the decision to ban Pakistan from the tournament.
