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NAB Clears Ahad Cheema of Allegations in Assets Beyond Means Case

In a notable turn of events, Ahad Cheema finds himself cleared of accusations by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), marking a stark contrast from five years ago when the Bureau itself alleged Cheema’s involvement in holding multi-billion rupee properties under his family members’ names.

Cheema’s high-profile arrest in 2018 by NAB, amid the Bureau’s anti-corruption drive targeting PML-N affiliates before the general elections, stemmed from an inquiry into the Ashiana-i-Iqbal Housing Scheme. Subsequently, multiple investigations were initiated, including inquiries into the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) City and assets beyond declared means. Cheema secured bail in all three cases in April 2021.

The recent turn of events saw NAB presenting a report to the Lahore accountability court, contending that their investigation revealed no justification under the National Accountability Ordinance (NAO) 1999 to pursue the case against Cheema. NAB’s statement emphasized the positive cash flow position in Cheema’s updated financial records, suggesting no acquisition of assets beyond his documented income sources.

NAB’s response clarified that properties registered under alleged “benamidars” couldn’t be linked to Cheema, affirming that accounts held by Cheema’s relatives were not “benami” or undisclosed assets belonging to him. Cheema had provided income details to NAB, which were thoroughly examined during the investigation.

The accountability watchdog urged the court to decide the matter within the confines of the law, marking a significant shift in Cheema’s legal trajectory.

The case’s future rests on the impending hearing of Cheema’s acquittal plea scheduled for December 2 in the accountability court.
