Breaking News

OGDC has announced a major gas discovery in Punjab

OGDC has announced a major gas discovery in Punjab

The Chak 214-1 well was drilled on June 29, 2023, using the company’s internal resources and reaching a depth of 1,851 meters as part of OGDCL’s proactive exploration initiatives.

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The Drill Stem Test-1 in the Dunghan Formation revealed a gas flow rate of 1.1 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) at the wellhead flowing pressure (WHFP) of 230 pounds per square inch (PSI). This information was based on the results of wireline logs. In Sui Main Limestone, the Drill Stem Test-2 revealed a gas flow rate of 1.31 mmscfd at WHFP of 260 PSI. According to the business, “this discovery represents a historic accomplishment, demonstrating OGDCL’s commitment to unlocking the region’s hydrocarbon potential.”
