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OpenAI CEO meets Indian PM Narendra Modi in India

Sam Altman meets Indian PM Modi

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who is now in India, stated that the Indian Prime Minister was enthusiastic about AI and that the discussion was highly constructive.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, who is now in India, recently met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and talked artificial intelligence extensively. Sitting in front of hundreds of media representatives, the two discussed the various applications of artificial intelligence, as well as the future of AI in India.

Altman described his encounter as “fantastic and enjoyable,” adding that the Indian Prime Minister was enthusiastic about AI technology. Altman also praised Modi’s deep thoughts and observations regarding the applications and benefits of AI technology.

This meeting takes place at a time when the Indian government is preparing to regulate AI technology through the Digital India Bill.

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“We discussed the opportunities before the country (India), as well as what the country should do,” Altman said, adding that having global control over AI technology is also vital.

This is the second time the OpenAI CEO has urged that governments work together to establish an international body to control AI and set collective legislation to avert any problems that the technology may bring.

Rajeev Chandrasekhar, India’s minister of state for information technology, disagreed with Altman’s regulatory proposals. According to Chandrasekhar, while Altman is a bright man with his own ideas, we too have smart minds with our own ideas for AI rules.
