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OpenAI Moves to Dismiss Musk’s Lawsuit Claims

OpenAI Moves to Dismiss Musk's Lawsuit Claims

OpenAI, the organization behind ChatGPT, responded on Tuesday to Elon Musk’s allegations that the company has deviated from its original mission of developing artificial intelligence (AI) for the betterment of humanity rather than for profit.

In a blog post, OpenAI stated its intention to dismiss all of Musk’s claims, following his lawsuit filed against the startup he co-founded. Musk’s lawsuit accuses OpenAI of breaching a contract, alleging that the Microsoft-backed firm has shifted its focus towards profit-making.

OpenAI clarified that Musk had proposed merging the company with his electric vehicle maker, Tesla, and forwarded an email suggesting that OpenAI should become attached to Tesla as a financial asset.

Also Read: Elon Musk Sues OpenAI Over Mission Shift for Profit

According to OpenAI, this suggestion arose after Musk and the company jointly decided in 2017 to establish a for-profit entity aimed at generating capital for the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI).

However, disagreements arose between Musk and OpenAI regarding the terms of the for-profit venture. Musk sought majority equity, initial control over the board, and the CEO position at OpenAI, which the company found incompatible with its mission of preventing any single individual from having absolute control over the organization.

In his lawsuit, Musk claimed that OpenAI’s three founders initially agreed to focus on AGI development—a concept where machines can perform tasks akin to humans in a manner that benefits humanity.

Furthermore, Musk urged OpenAI to announce an initial funding commitment of $1 billion in 2015, contrasting with the original plan of raising $100 million outlined by CEO Sam Altman and co-founder Greg Brockman.

OpenAI expressed disappointment at the current situation with someone they deeply admired, emphasizing Musk’s role in inspiring them to pursue ambitious goals. However, they noted Musk’s subsequent skepticism, competition, and eventual legal action when OpenAI made significant progress towards its mission without his involvement.

Neither Musk nor Tesla immediately responded to a request for comment from Reuters regarding OpenAI’s blog post.

Musk’s lawsuit marks the culmination of his longstanding opposition towards OpenAI. The organization has garnered significant attention in the field of generative AI, partly due to substantial funding from Microsoft. Musk subsequently founded his own AI startup, xAI, which launched in July last year.
