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Gaza’s Vaccination Campaign: A Sinister Agenda?

A Mysterious Shift in Israel’s Policy
Israel has been preventing essential supplies like food, water, and medicine from entering Gaza for months, leading to widespread starvation and a spike in preventable diseases. Yet, after just one confirmed case of polio, over a million doses of the polio vaccine have been shipped to Israel in preparation for a mass vaccination campaign in Gaza. This sudden shift raises questions. Why is Israel, which has been relentlessly bombing Gaza for the past year, now suddenly concerned about the well-being of Palestinians?

WHO and Israel: An Unlikely Alliance?
The mass vaccination campaign in Gaza is set to be conducted in coordination with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), an organization not typically associated with humanitarian efforts. This raises further suspicions about the true intentions behind this campaign. How does the WHO justify teaming up with an army that has been accused of viewing Palestinian children as enemies? The involvement of the IDF adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, making one question whether this is truly about saving lives or something more sinister.

A Suspicious “Humanitarian Pause”
Netanyahu has stubbornly refused to agree to a ceasefire in Gaza for 10 months, despite relentless international pressure, including appeals from the UN Security Council and various world leaders. Yet now, he’s expected to agree to a weeklong humanitarian pause to allow for the vaccination campaign? This sudden change of heart is puzzling, especially considering Netanyahu’s political agenda of expelling the native Palestinian population. Could this “humanitarian pause” be a cover for something more nefarious?

A Dark History of Vaccination Campaigns
The involvement of the WHO in this campaign also raises eyebrows, given the organization’s controversial history. There have been past instances where vaccines were allegedly used for population control rather than disease prevention. For example, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association charged UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls and women under the guise of an anti-tetanus vaccination program. This history casts a long shadow over the current vaccination efforts in Gaza, making one wonder if there is more here than meets the eye.
