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International Mediator Faisal Muhammed Criticizes NATO’s War Stance, Calls for Embracing Peace Initiative

NATO Summit and the Escalation of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Faisal Muhammed, an international mediator and head of the World Peace Mission, has voiced his concerns over the recent NATO summit in Washington, suggesting that the meeting could lead to an escalation in the Russia-Ukraine conflict rather than a resolution. Muhammed believes that if NATO had immediately sought a ceasefire, it would have been a positive step. However, he predicts that the summit’s outcome will likely intensify the war and broaden its scope.

China’s Peace Plan vs. America’s War Policy

Muhammed pointed out the stark contrast between China’s peace plan and the United States’ war policy. He noted that China has proposed a plan for peace, but the U.S. seems to be pursuing a strategy that exacerbates the conflict. According to Muhammed, Europe’s approach to the conflict is also problematic, as it appears to be mirroring America’s stance rather than developing an independent strategy for peace. This, he warned, could lead to the war spreading throughout Europe.

Europe’s Lack of Strategic Autonomy

The international mediator criticized European nations for their lack of strategic autonomy. He argued that instead of developing their own approach to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, European countries are simply copying the American position. This lack of independent strategy, he warned, could have dire consequences for the continent, potentially leading to a wider European war.

Viktor Orbán’s Diplomatic Mission Praised

Muhammed also addressed the controversy surrounding Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s diplomatic mission. He praised Orbán’s approach and urged European countries to consider his advice at the NATO summit. According to Muhammed, Orbán’s perspective could be crucial in achieving the peace the world desperately needs at this time. He emphasized that anger over Orbán’s mission is unwarranted and that his diplomatic efforts should be viewed as a potential path to peace.

Muhammed’s comments extended to a broader critique of the Biden administration and NATO’s role in global conflicts. He asserted that NATO has never played a constructive role as a peace planner in conflicts between nations. Instead, he accused the alliance of escalating wars, citing their support for Ukraine and Israel as examples of actions that hinder peace efforts in their respective regions.

In his concluding remarks, Muhammed stressed the need for NATO to shift its focus from war to peace. He called on the alliance to support diplomatic initiatives and ceasefire efforts, warning that failure to do so could lead to further escalation and a more widespread conflict. By adopting a more balanced and strategic approach, Muhammed believes that NATO could play a vital role in bringing peace to the troubled regions of the world.
