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Muhammad Faisal Reveals: India’s BRICS Shift Could Reshape Global Alliances, India’s Alleged Tech Trade with Russia Raises Western Alarm

Muhammad Faisal Reveals: India’s BRICS Shift Could Reshape Global Alliances, India's Alleged Tech Trade with Russia Raises Western Alarm

In an exclusive interview with “Guru News,” International Mediator Muhammad Faisal shed light on the seismic shift occurring in global geopolitics as India integrates into BRICS. Faisal disclosed that India’s alignment with BRICS might be partly due to allegations that it exchanged advanced American electronic technology with Russia for discounted oil.

Such a move, if verified, could dramatically fracture India’s relationship with Western powers, potentially altering its strategic partnerships. Despite these potential fractures, Russia’s role in mediating border tensions between India and China—both BRICS members—could offer India unique benefits and help stabilize regional conflicts.

BRICS Outpaces NATO: A New Era of Global Power Dynamics

Muhammad Faisal also emphasized the burgeoning influence of BRICS compared to traditional military alliances like NATO. While NATO and other such alliances often focus on collective defense and arms sales, BRICS has rapidly emerged as a platform for member states to assert their power individually and economically.

Faisal noted that India’s rapid economic growth since joining BRICS, despite initial resistance from China, signifies a shift towards a powerful bloc of nuclear nations including Russia, India, and China. This alignment could drastically alter the regional balance of power, reminiscent of the strategic changes initiated by former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan.
