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Sehrosh Mustajab Foundation: Supporting Transgender Community and Social Awareness

Sehrosh Mustajab Foundation: Supporting Transgender Community and Social Awareness


SMF stands for Sehrosh Mustajab Foundation, a registered welfare NGO founded in March 2021 by Miss Sehrosh, a graduate from Quaid E Azam University. The Sehrosh Mustajab Foundation is dedicated to assisting the transgender community and raising awareness of various social issues. Their primary goal is to create a safe and supportive environment for transgender individuals, helping them achieve independence and contributing to a more just and equitable society. The foundation is a strong advocate for diversity, respect, and equal opportunities for all individuals through various outreach and advocacy campaigns. Their mission is focused on enhancing the lives of the transgender community and society as a whole through collaboration and inclusion.

The Sehrosh Mustajab Foundation has a broad scope of work that encompasses a range of activities and services aimed at supporting the transgender community and raising awareness of social issues. Some of their key areas of focus include:

  1. Clothing & Food Drives
  2. Visits at Old Age Homes & Orphanages
  3. Projects to Help the Transgender Community
  4. Documentaries & Webinars

The foundation has a significant number of beneficiaries, including:

  1. Transgender Individuals
  2. Vulnerable Communities
  3. Minority Groups
  4. Youth

They have achieved a great deal in a short time, including:

  1. Tech Camp 2021
  2. Ramadan Drive 2022
  3. Winter Drive 2022
  4. Flood Drive 2022
  5. Eid Drive 2022

These initiatives have provided essential items such as food, blankets, clothing, first aid, and other necessities to those in need.

Supporting organizations like SMF is crucial because they work on tasks that are often considered the responsibility of the state. They are instrumental in changing societal attitudes and raising awareness about the rights and dignity of transgender individuals. These efforts require strong support, well-wishes, and assistance from all segments of society to fulfill their missions successfully.
