- Every country has reconsidered its relations with Israel.
- Israel, once ranked fourth in military power, continued to decline in its ranking.
- Reports indicate that around 2100 soldiers, including majors and generals, and approximately 380 civilians in high government positions have been detained.
- A cache of weapons, including shoulder-launched missiles, was discovered in four military bases.
- More than 230 tanks were rendered inoperable.
- Various Mossad installations were destroyed, leading to the capture of their laptops containing information about Israeli spies in Gaza and the Middle East.
- Military and police’s small radars and wireless networks were seized, active within a forty-kilometer radius from Gaza.
- 1900 rockets caused significant casualties and financial losses to the enemy, leading to around 700,000 Israelis becoming refugees.
- 24,900 Israelis were eliminated.
- By neutralizing the intelligence agencies of the seven major countries, the primary goal was achieved, resulting in their humiliation.
- The Palestinian issue was elevated to a global level of significance.
- Israeli ambassadors were expelled from several countries.
- The credibility of the governments in the Western countries was tarnished in the eyes of the citizens of the Muslim world.
- The hidden faces of hypocritical kings and their lackeys in Arab countries were exposed.
- Israel’s economy is declining rapidly post-attack.
- The Israeli Prime Minister has been discredited in the eyes of his people.
- Love for martyrdom among the youth of the entire Islamic world has been instilled, rejuvenating the spirit of martyrdom.
- Muslim governments that had aligned themselves with the United States were disgraced.
- Debate over the reasons for the killings of figures like Gaddafi, Morsi, and Saddam resurfaced, with people questioning the loss to the Muslim world and who benefited from their deaths.
- The exact number of Yazidis among religious scholars became clear.
- Seeds of hatred against Jews were sown in the hearts of Christians and other people.
- By occupying Palestinian lands and establishing numerous settlements, Israelis have instilled fear in every village, making it impossible for anyone to sleep peacefully, as the fear of being eradicated from some hole looms after this recent attack.
- By releasing several long-held prisoners, it was made clear to the world that they are not the ones portrayed by Western media.
- Demonstrators took to the streets in various countries, expressing their hatred towards Jews and their collaborators.
- Their voices reached the parliaments of various countries.
- It was made clear that Israel is an oppressor, with brave countries like Russia highlighting each point, stating that it is the Palestinians who deserve the right to self-defense, not Israel.
- Missiles capable of striking up to 30 kilometers are being sold to the Russian party.
- China’s stance against Israel has become evident.
- The significance of the place where the light of Prophet Muhammad’s ascension fell, and its importance in the hearts of believers, has been widely recognized.