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Pak-Afghan FM Meeting Amid Immigration Crackdown Controversy

Pak-Afghan FM Meeting Amid Immigration Crackdown Controversy

Amid growing tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan, the foreign ministers of both countries met in China’s Tibet Autonomous region during an international conference.

While the details of the meeting were not disclosed, sources indicate that discussions included concerns about terrorist sanctuaries in Afghanistan and the need for Afghanistan to deny such groups, including the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), a space to operate within the country.

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Pakistan has recently taken measures to address these concerns, including a crackdown against illegal Afghan immigrants living in the country, which has caused tension between the two nations. Afghanistan has rejected this move and criticized it as “inhumane and barbaric.”

Pakistan’s Foreign Office has clarified that the crackdown is not targeted at a specific nationality but is aimed at regulating illegal aliens residing in Pakistan, regardless of their nationality. Pakistan is hosting 1.4 million Afghan refugees and seeks to create conditions for their voluntary repatriation as the situation in Afghanistan stabilizes.

The government’s policy also involves repatriating all illegal foreigners residing in Pakistan, including those overstaying their visas without valid documentation.
