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Pakistan Army reaffirms support for Kashmiri self-determination

Pakistan Army reaffirms support for Kashmiri self-determination

RAWALPINDI – On Youm-e-Istehsal, the Pakistan Armed Forces restated their unwavering support for the people of Indian-occupied Kashmir in their quest for self-determination. The Inter-Services Public Relations Pakistan Armed Forces paid tribute to the martyrs of IIOJK, acknowledging their sacrifices, and pledged Pakistan’s full commitment to extend political, moral, and humanitarian aid to the Kashmiris in their just struggle against oppression and illegal control.

In a unified stance, the CJCsSC, Services Chiefs, and Pakistan Armed Forces expressed solidarity with the brave and resilient people of IIOJK, emphasizing their right to self-determination as per UN resolutions.

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The military’s media wing condemned the inhumane military lockdown, illegal demographic changes, and severe human rights violations, deeming them clear breaches of international law.

Furthermore, the Indian government’s aggressive rhetoric and hostile actions were highlighted as contributing factors to ongoing humanitarian and security crises in IIOJ&K, posing a constant threat to regional stability. Resolving the Kashmir dispute in line with UN Resolutions and respecting the aspirations of the Kashmiri people were emphasized as crucial steps toward establishing lasting peace and stability in the region.
