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Pakistan Reaffirms Commitment to Multilateralism

Pakistan Reaffirms Commitment to Multilateralism

Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar emphasized Pakistan’s unwavering dedication to advancing multilateralism and diplomacy, crucial components of the country’s foreign policy. On the occasion of the International Day for Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace observed on April 24, he underscored the significance of these principles in addressing global challenges effectively.

Dar highlighted that multilateralism, diplomacy, dialogue, and international cooperation are essential pillars for addressing both existing and emerging international challenges. He stressed that Pakistan has consistently upheld the central role of the United Nations as the most representative expression of multilateralism in international relations and has actively participated in all aspects of its work.

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The foreign minister emphasized that international peace, security, global prosperity, and the universal enjoyment of human rights can be safeguarded and promoted through strict adherence to the principles of the UN Charter, faithful implementation of UN Security Council resolutions and international law, and cooperation among member states within the framework of the UN Charter.

He also reiterated the importance of redoubling multilateral efforts to resolve long-standing disputes and conflicts, emphasizing the need to grant peoples living in internationally recognized situations of foreign occupation, including Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, their inalienable right to self-determination through the implementation of relevant UN resolutions.

Dar affirmed that Pakistan remains committed to multilateral cooperation and diplomacy for peace at both regional and international levels to address all challenges effectively.
